We can provide international shipping for customers from all over the world except the military area and some small countries, but if you happen to be located in one of those countries, we still hope you can contact us to solve it together.
In order to provide you with the best service we have tried our best to take steps to make your order eligible for tax exemption, except for rare exceptions. If the customs spot checks your package on rare occasion and asked for the customs fee, it is really beyond our control. So, we still advise you to ask the customs policy by yourself if you really are concerned about it before placing the order.
There always takes about 12 weeks before customizing to dispatching, and then still takes about 12 weeks to transporting, since international shipping has many uncontrollable factors, the estimated time we provided is just for reference. You will receive an email once your order is shipped that contains your tracking information. You can use the tracking code from the email to check on the official website of the corresponding logistics company.
US Delivery Time: 5 – 12 Days
Canada Delivery Time: 10 – 14 Days
Europe Delivery Time: 7 – 15 Days
Australia Delivery Time: 7 – 14 Days
International Delivery Time: 2 – 3 Weeks
For any other countries, you can email support@kickgoer.com so that we can provide more accurate delivery time.
For logistical policy reasons, items in the same purchase will sometimes be sent in separate packages, even if you’ve specified combined shipping.
If you still have any problems, please do not hesitate to contact us by sending emails to support@kickgoer.com.